Bible Study: The Works of Queen Athaliah ( Part 2): Wickedness will be defeated

Jul 8, 2024    Pastor Otis Garmon

Definition of Wickedness: the quality of being evil or morally wrong:   the quality of being evil or morally wrong: estrangement from god:    absence of moral or spiritual values:    sin, iniquity, vileness, foulness, wrongdoing, dishonesty…

Definition of Devilish: like or appropriate to a devil in evil and cruelty:    showing the cunning or ingenuity or wickedness typical of a devil:  playful in an appealingly bold way:   rascal, diabolic [disgracefully bad]…

•Psalms 7:9-17 [NLT]

•Ezekiel 18:20-23 [NLT]

•Ephesians 5:11-12 [AMP]

•Ephesians 6:12

•James 3:14-16 [AMP]

2nd Corinthians 11:14

(Show list of Judah & Israel kings)

Biblical Questions…

Who is Athaliah?

- Genesis 6:5

- 2nd Timothy 3:13


Meaning of name Athaliah?

•Afflicted or (retrained) by God

•God is exalted


Who was she married to?

2nd Kings 8:16-18 [NLT]

1st Kings 22:44 [KJV]


What was the name of king Jehoram & Athaliah [son]?


Who killed King Ahaziah?

- 2nd Chronicles 22:7-9 [AMP]


What was one of her wickedness?

•Usurp authority making herself queen…

•Killed children [royal family descendants]…

Definition of usurp: take (a position of power or importance) illegally or by force; Supplant, seize, steal, takeover…

• [Isaiah 14:12-13]

- [1st Samuel 13:26-34 NLT

- [1st Samuel 14:28-33 NLT

- [2nd Samuel 15:1-6 NLT

• 1st King 1:5

• 1st Samuel 13:7-13