
all nations

Matthew 28:19

New Life Belle Glade's mission is to bring the good news of the gospel, the message of hope and salvation to those who have yet to hear it, fulfilling the Great Commission of Jesus Christ to make disciples of all the nations.

North American Missions

Rooted in Deuteronomy 1:8, North American Missions is dedicated to fulfilling God's command to possess the land promised to His people. Align yourself with this mandate and advance the Kingdom of God across North America through strategic church-planting initiatives with your support.
Just as the Israelites were called to possess the land promised to them, we are called to claim territories for Christ in every corner of North America. By helping to establish new churches and communities of faith, you are actively proclaiming the gospel, transforming lives, and saving souls all across North America.
By participating in our church planting efforts, you are joining us in obedience to God's command and partnering with us to build God's Kingdom on earth.

Global Missions

We are committed to spreading the gospel to every corner of the globe, and we need your help to make it happen.

Global missionaries are on the front lines, actively sharing the good news of Jesus Christ and addressing the needs of the people they serve. By providing access to clean water, healthcare, education, and vocational training, they are committed to a holistic ministry that meets both the spiritual and physical needs of communities worldwide.

When you partner with the Global Missions Ministry, you follow Jesus' command to love your neighbor as yourself (Matthew 22:39) and fulfill His mandate to be His witnesses to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8). Your obedience and love for others can impact the world and bring glory to God.

Ways You Can Help

Volunteering in All Nations Sunday
Pray for Home Missionary Pastors and Churches
Participate on NLT Prayer Launches to help establish New Daughterworks
Attend Anniversary Services


Get involved with the North American Missions Team or Global Missions Efforts.

Share an encouragement, question, or prayer, and we'll connect with you via email.