Sunday School: ET TU, JUDAS?
Et Tu is Latin phrase = which means you too, you as well, even you
John 18:4–7
This is WHAT we should take from this LESSON…
God loves everyone, even those who reject Him…
God is faithful even when we are not faithful…
The Lord doesn’t change, if He said it, if He promised it, it shall come to pass...
God is not a man that He shall lie…
This is what we should apply to our life from this lesson:
By His grace, I will stay close to God, no matter what…
By His grace, i will trust in the Lord and trust His process for my life…
By His grace, I will walk by faith and not by sight [i.e. feelings, emotions, or flesh]…
Inspiration will not always be there; at some point you will have to walk with God based
on what you knowing Him and what is right to do...
Definition of the word Disillusion: is a condition of being disappointed from the
discovery that something is not as good as one believed it to be: cause (someone) to
realize that a belief or an ideal is false: disappointment, dissatisfaction, disillusioned:
The human tendency to place trust in people or things that may ultimately disappoint
because it appears not to workout based on there views or how they see it.